Wednesday 1 March 2017

Faerie Fact 04: Faeries don't fight fair, especially against humans

In Faerie Wood, humans and other large or ‘giant’ creatures get penalties when fighting faerie folk because elves are often small and move very quickly. So player character faeries should use their diminutive size and hiding skills to maximise the effects of a surprise attack. Some faerie player characters can be almost as strong as an average human despite only being two feet tall and humans do not expect this, so this too can be used to surprise them and gain further advantages.

Humans are also afraid of faerie folk and therefore their reactions can be unpredictable and possibly dangerous, so where possible faerie folk should remain invisible or at least well hidden. Player characters in Faerie Wood are invisible to most humans but some humans such as young children, Witches, Priests, Scholars and humans under the influence of hallucinogenic substances or alcohol can see faerie folk.

However, if all else fails, then a quick and well-executed surprise attack will be enough to deal with most humans, as this example illustrates:


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