Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Faerie Fact 05: Faerie Wood exists in a separate dimension to the human world

In the Faerie Wood game, the world of faerie folk is hidden from humans as it exists in a different time and space, sometimes referred to as a spirit world. But just like the land of humans, in Faerie Wood there are various types of terrain and geology such as hills, mountains, rivers and woodland. The map below is a rough illustration of the known areas of Faerie Wood. The map is copied from one originally made by Gnomes who created it by piecing together many ancient faerie folk stories and legends. Much of their ancient history has been lost to faerie folk and this map is all that remains of common faerie knowledge on the geography of Faerie Wood.

The Dragon featured in the map is a symbolic representation of The Great Dragon – a powerful faerie spirit that is believed by faerie folk to encompass all of Faerie Wood, but more on that another time… 

Faerie Wood map (Faerie Wood Role-playing Game, illustration by © 2017 Garry Robson)

Gateways to the land of Faerie Wood

There are secret gateways that connect the realm of Faerie Wood and the land of humans and these are known as Faerie Gates or Faerie Paths. They may look like a normal wooden farm gate, a stile or even a plain bridge across a brook or a hidden path through a thick area of woodland. Some gates are also situated in ancient monuments or sacred places such as stone circles or rings of wild mushrooms called faerie rings.

Many of these gates are known to Faerie folk, especially older Faeries and Elf Clan leaders. Some humans know of the whereabouts of these gates too, such a Witches, Druids and Scholars. Occasionally, some unfortunate humans unwittingly pass through a Faerie Gate into the land of Faerie or are lead astray down a path by an evil Elf. At special times of the year such as the Summer Solstice and Samhain, the veil between Faerie Wood and the land of humans is thinner and some gates appear to both Faeries and Humans, enabling them to cross over. I’ll be posting more info about Faerie Gates later…


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